Notion ink Adam Tablet: Android gingerbread 2.3 update

Is for those who are interested in, we want to tell you about the notion ink Adam, an Android 2.3 get gingerbread update.

The gingerbread update was by term, also a confirmed offers new eBook reader client and a new browser. Now, you know well how, term has been blogging the step by step process of building their Adam Android Tablet from scratch. All went quiet for a while and then in the last month, she popped up and announced updates to their tablet came here.

Since the introduction of Adams has problems that their attention to other models have caused many potential customers run concept in customer service and shipping. Term say that by upgrading to Android 2.3 gingerbread it the kernel and all apps closer to a honeycomb merge, brings the conversion in however OS will require.

Come to us in an article by notion ink on AndroidCommunity it is appropriate that the update is usability problems added contains a new multi-tasking environment and simple video and music player.

Rohan Shravan notion ink CEO said that licensing issues with the book reader were the cause for the experienced prior to delays in the context, it now seems that these problems have been resolved. The promise of an update is done, but still be seen. If you one of those delays deter are, please let us know in the comments field.


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