We have a preview video of a device for your attention, that according to the Queen's University Roel Vertegaal make the "thin-film phone current Smartphone in 5-10 years out of date." The Smartphone prototype called PaperPhone and is apparently the best described as "a flexible iPhone."
After human Media Lab, the PaperPhone is the world's first interactive paper computer a does everything a Smartphone can as such as phone calls, play music, and books stores.
The PaperPhone features one 9.5 cm display from a flexible thin film e-ink display and the flexibility it makes better much apparently portable as all current mobile computer.
Roel Vertegaal, says the creator... "This is the future." everything goes to see and feel how this period of five years. This computer looks, feels and works like a small piece of interactive paper. "You interact with it turn into a cell phone, they reflect the corner to the turning of the pages or on you with a pen."
Instead of me trying to explain all the tech jargon here is probably best, if you right below jump and press the play button, this new PaperPhone check out flexible display for Smartphone and tablets in action and you don't hesitate let us know, what you think.
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